The Firm provides legal assistance to clients as they navigate through the myriad issues and risks while taking advantage of opportunities associated with, and even peculiar to, companies in the agro-industrial sector. These may involve legal advice, assistance in negotiations, drafting of opinions on complex legal issues, preparation of position papers, or representation before judicial or quasi-judicial bodies and administrative agencies.
As part of our legal advocacy, we have helped craft proposed legislation, executive issuances, administrative orders, implementing rules and regulations, that have created a more favorable business and legal environment for the agro-industrial companies that we represent. These have included customs, tariffs and trade matters related to anti-smuggling, tariff modification, tariff classification, minimum access volume, countertrade, international and regional trade agreements as well as agrarian reform, environmental compliance, green energy, tax and labor.
The Firm has also facilitated the creation of research and development institutions, key trade organizations and foundations related to the agro-industrial sector. It continues to act as legal adviser in the course of their operations. Some members of the Firm have also acted as consultants to government entities and regulatory agencies on specialized matters affecting agro-industry.